Our classroom has five rules:
1. Follow directions quickly.
2. Raise your hand to talk.
3. Raise your hand to leave your seat.
4. Make smart choices.
5. Make your dear teacher happy!
School-wide, all students are expected to be in the Dragon Zone...
Respectful, Responsible, Cooperative, and Safe!
Dragon Zone Slips will be earned by students who stay "in the zone", along with many other motivators and rewards. Second graders who demonstrate Dragon Zone behaviors will also be eligible to be a "Dino Kid".
Severe or repeated behavior problems may result in an office referral (minor or major).
PCES Parent-Student Handbook
1. Follow directions quickly.
2. Raise your hand to talk.
3. Raise your hand to leave your seat.
4. Make smart choices.
5. Make your dear teacher happy!
School-wide, all students are expected to be in the Dragon Zone...
Respectful, Responsible, Cooperative, and Safe!
Dragon Zone Slips will be earned by students who stay "in the zone", along with many other motivators and rewards. Second graders who demonstrate Dragon Zone behaviors will also be eligible to be a "Dino Kid".
Severe or repeated behavior problems may result in an office referral (minor or major).
PCES Parent-Student Handbook